G Is for Gym

A place of solitude, emptiness, and observation.

Empty and barren. It almost seems like a sin to see it this way, stripped of all the glory it contained. Everything great that was accomplished inside, now washed away in an instant. But there will always be a next time right? Another chance to do more and see more. To be home again. Wrapped up in the darkness as if it were my childhood blanket. Not for me. Not this time because for me this is the end, the end of an era, the end of what seems to me like a lifetime.

All I have known for years suddenly crumbling beneath my feet; the family I built for myself still there, but further than I feel comfortable having them. But it seems it’s time to let go and move on. Never fully though, there will always, always be a part of me that lives there, infused into the walls and the ground. And even though I didn’t build that place, it feels as if I have, laying brick over brick to build a safe haven for the people like me. The wonderful misfits of the universe. I made a legacy here, built with blood sweat and tears, a legacy that I would not give up for anything.

This is the place where I found me, found the person I was meant to be. Built myself up from the dust of the universe that surrounds this place, because it is only fair that if I leave a part of myself here, and that I take a part of here with myself – infused into my soul in a way that is irreversible. I carved my name into the foundations of the earth on which that place stands. My greatest triumph. And yet somehow it is also my  greatest sorrow.

To this place and the people within I owe everything for without them I would not exist here today to tell this story.

I have never been good with goodbyes so I say this:

Donec iterum conveniant 
(Until We Meet Again)